Canvas Wall Art

2 products

Collection: Canvas Wall Art

At Americanflat, our canvas wall art collection is a testament to artistic expression and interior style. Designed to transform any space into a living gallery, our canvas prints are perfect for those who see their home as a space for creative expression.


Diverse Art for Every Space

Our canvas wall art is available in sizes ranging from 5" x 7" to 32" x 48", ensuring a perfect fit for any room. Whether you're creating a stunning wall art focal point in a spacious area or adding a touch of elegance to a smaller space, our versatile sizes cater to all needs.


A Spectrum of Styles

Choose from a variety of art styles in our collections, including modern tropical, coastal, boho, and abstract. Our wall art is constantly updated with fresh designs, offering a wide range of options for every aesthetic preference. Each piece of artwork is curated to bring life and style to any room.


Supporting Independent Artists

Our global community of artists contributes some of the most unique designs to the market. With every piece of wall art purchased, a portion supports these talented artists. Americanflat is more than just a brand; it's a platform that connects art lovers with independent creators.

Have questions regarding our selection of canvas wall art? Feel free to contact our team via email at or via call/text at (646) 971-9911.